Korea Architectural Accrediting Board
A professional degree programs seeking accreditation must be granted candidacy status by the KAAB before applying for initial accreditation. Program should demonstrate that it satisfies the minimum requirements of the KAAB Conditions & Procedures. After reviewing the submitted applications for candidacy, the KAAB grants candidacy status to apply for the initial accreditation.
The procedure for granting candidacy status is similar to that of the accreditation, but not as intense. Candidacy is merely a prerequisite for accreditation and does not have any effect on the outcome of the accreditation.
An undergraduate program that has offered professional degree curriculums for less than 3 years since its establishment, or a graduate program that has offered professional degree curriculums for less than 2 years since its establishment, are not eligible to apply for candidacy.
Prepare to submit following information
Submit a Printed and Bound Copy to
ATTN: KAAB Secretariat
917-9, Bangbae-dong Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 06687
T. 82.2.521.1930, 1940
Through a careful review of the application, the KAAB Accreditation Committee makes a decision to approve or reject eligibility for candidacy. Upon an approval, the KAAB informs the program of its granted candidacy status and recommendations based on the submitted application. The program must response to these recommendations made by KAAB at the time of applying for initial accreditation. Candidacy status remains effective for three (3) years from the date of approval.
Submission date for the application is twice a year on the 3rd week of March or the 3rd week of September. Review process will take approximately three weeks. During this time, KAAB can request additional information and the given program will have time to respond.
1st week | 2nd week | 3rd Week |
Evaluation Preparation | Review & Additional Information Request |
Review of Additional Information Requested |
In the case of rejection of the application, the KAAB informs the program of reasons for rejection along with the recommendations to improve the program. Professional degree programs that are rejected for candidacy may re-apply after one (1) year from the date of rejection. At the time of the re-application for candidacy status for the accreditation, the program must demonstrate the program’s response to the recommendations.
The application for candidacy and the results will remain confidential.
Professional degree programs that are granted candidacy status may apply for initial Accreditation in either April or October while its candidacy status remains effective.