Korea Architectural Accrediting Board

Application Procedures for Accreditation

4.2 Procedures for Accreditation

  • 1. On-line Application
  • 2. Submission via Mail
  • 3. Evaluation

Professional degree programs with an approved candidacy may apply for accreditation. Application for accreditation should contain responses to the recommendations made by the KAAB at the time of candidacy status approval.

KAAB receives application for accreditation twice a year in April and October.

1. On-line application for Accreditation

Prepare to submit following information

  • Program Description – History & Overview
  • Responses to Previous Accreditation
  • Administrative Structure & Governance
  • Faculty Information
  • Student Information
  • Curriculum Overview
  • List of Lectures and Classes
  • Facility & Physical Resources
  • Publications and Periodicals
  • Supplemental Materials
Application for Accreditation Form Download

2. Submission via Mail

Submit a Printed and Bound Copy to

ATTN: KAAB Secretariat
917-9, Bangbae-dong Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 06687
T. 82.2.521.1930, 1940

3. Evaluation

The KAAB Accreditation Committee reviews and examines the program’s response and recommendations made during the examination of the program’s candidacy status for accreditation. If the accreditation committee finds the response unsatisfactory and anticipates a negative result in accreditation, the committee returns the application with reasons.

4. Follow-up of Application for Accreditation

Professional degree programs must submit an accreditation fee within one month and the Architecture Program Report (APR) within five (5) months upon acceptance of application. If the program fails to pay the fee within the prescribed period, the approval for accreditation is revoked and the program must re-apply. Upon approval of the application for accreditation and receipt of payment, the KAAB Accreditation Task Force Committee organizes visiting team, which will proceed with the review of the APR and prepare for a site visit.